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3 Personalized Marketing Examples that Work (We Show You Why!)

Jeudi 20 Août 2020

When someone calls you the wrong name, it feels annoying at best and isolating at worst, right? Being an identical twin, I’m so used to responding to both my name and my brother’s that it hardly fazes me anymore, but I still get a twinge of angst when I’m called her name. I think, Really? You can’t take a few minutes to know me and figure out my name? It’s the exact same in the world of personalized marketing.

In fact, the data backs it up: 74% of online consumers experience frustration when irrelevant web content appears in ads while they’re browsing. Just like being called the wrong name by someone who should know us, we intuitively want to be distinguished for who we are. Playing on this human desire, personalization answers the frustration of being nameless by customizing online experiences for an individual.
What is personalization in marketing? Simply put, it’s the way businesses leverage the data of your information to provide content or wording that is unique to you. It’s a way for them to say, “We see you, we know you, and we’re here to help you figure out what you want.”

Corporate giants, like Amazon and Netflix, have been putting website personalization examples to work so effectively that we’ve come to expect a truly tailored experience. If you’re like me, sometimes when I use Netflix, I go straight to the “Top Picks for Elisabeth” list without looking at anything else.
We’re drawn to our names, whether visually or audibly, and personalized marketing knows this. Think about getting an email with your name in the subject line: Stats show you’re 26% more likely to open that email compared to one without your name.
Convinced yet? Now, let’s look at some personalized marketing examples that transform these core principles into actionable results. We’ll use three personalized videos and look at how each one uses personalization effectively.

1. Investment Banking:

Why it works:
Immediately noticeable when the video begins are two things: a first name appeal and an applicable question. Both of these serve to draw the viewer in within seconds. The video goes on to highlight contrasts between your current state and your desired state. The solution offered by the business, when it comes, thus appears as a welcome response to the questions that have been raised.

2. Coffee Shop:

Why it works:
Once again, the instant first name call makes it hard to stop watching. This time, instead of questions, the option to customize your own experience when you go into the café appeals to our sense of individuality. When the coupon offer at the end arrives, the viewer is intrigued enough to try it out.

3. Financial Advisor:

Why it works:
A personalized name, image, and location all aid the viewer’s engagement with the offer. As well, this video speaks to the partnership that’s possible through using this firm, something which encourages a sense of trustworthiness and reliability. They’ve answered the question of how their business can meet your specific needs.
All three of these personalized marketing examples, while using similar details of personalization, manage to engage the viewer’s intuitive emotions at the outset and then offer a unique response to a question or problem. They make the viewer feel known and valued in a way that a simple explainer video from the business wouldn’t.

​Final Thoughts

When companies tried personalized marketing, 93% saw significant uplift in conversion rates. The same agency reports that 74% of marketers say targeted personalization increases customer engagement. Another saw a 20% jump in sales through using personalization. The bottom line: Personalization works.
So, don’t be like the elementary school teacher who squished my name and my sister’s together and just called us both the one composite name all year. Let me tell you, it did not work in his favor. Instead, put the data you have to use and make your customers feel known and seen with personalized marketing!

Our Smartketing agency produces personalized videos specially designed for the budgets of SMEs and freelancers. Book your free consultation so that we can define the right marketing strategy to develop together to get new leads and grow your business online.
Mathieu Janin

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