1. Slack
Instead of listing out features of the app, letting the satisfied customers gush about how much value the product has added to their workplace experience effectively convinces the viewer of their own need for this solution.
They’ve told a story, used personal appeals, demonstrated again and again how much value the product adds, and left the viewer hungry to take similar action.
2. VideoRemix
As well, asking questions effectively engages the emotions and thoughts of the viewer, so the viewing experience becomes less passive. A promo video like this one is an invitation to viewers to see themselves in the story and to take measurable action toward making that happen.
This video nails the personal appeal with personalization software bringing in first names and locations, along with clearly conveying the value this company can add and the action that can be taken to solve the problem.
3. Babbel
The simplicity of this short video also works in its favor. Vidyard also reported that videos under 90 seconds keep viewers’ attention at an average retention rate of 53%, whereas most videos in general only get a 37% retention rate. So keeping your content short and snappy pays off, especially when you can tell the story of your brand as succinctly as possible.
They’ve stayed simple to allow the strength of their product to shine through while making the problem and solution humorously and compellingly clear.
Final Thoughts
In the end, the vision you create around your product or business matters more in the best promo videos than anything else.
Our Smartketing agency produces personalized videos specially designed for the budgets of SMEs and freelancers. Book your free consultation so that we can define the right marketing strategy to develop together to get new leads and grow your business online.