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9 tips for building your online presence by combining articles and marketing strategy

Jeudi 5 Mars 2020

Content marketing is an effective way to promote your products and services online. By creating articles that relate to your offer, you will be able to attract more and more customers. The following tips will help you tap into the immense potential of content marketing.

9 tips for building your online presence by combining articles and marketing strategy

1. Optimize the title of your ticket. The title is the first element that should grab the reader's attention. Thus, important information should be listed at the beginning, so that the reader's attention is captured.

2. Make sure your posts contain unique and informative content rather than just commercial arguments. Information that is useful to readers and that can only be found on your site will be particularly appreciated by Internet users.

3. Your articles will only succeed if they offer readers something new. Search engines rank articles with new information better than articles that are basically copies. You can even choose to use a writing service, but you have to make sure of their quality.

4. Mention influencers in your articles. By citing the work of influencers in your field, you can let them know and take advantage of their audience when they share your article. This will allow you to recruit new readers.

5. The content you provide on your website should help your reader solve their problem. If your article manages to resolve it, that visitor will likely be interested in the rest of your articles.

6. Structure your article. Content that is easy to read should be clearly and easily accessible. To achieve this, try to incorporate structural elements when creating your web pages such as enumerations, numberings or tables.

7. If you need inspiration to write a new article, consider the type of information your readers are looking for. It is always interesting to read the various comments and messages that your readers leave you.

8. Your article should not be kept in a closed place. Social networking sites are the ideal tools to distribute your article. You can sign up for free on sites like Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin to chat with people who talk about the same topic as you and to publish your content.

9. Stand out from the crowd. To do this, it is important to study your competition in depth beforehand in order to identify strong areas of development. If you realize that your competitors are addressing the same themes for their content, be creative and orient your speech differently. Thus, you will be able to prove your expertise to your readers and strengthen their engagement.

It was the last tip of this article! With the information you've just read, you're well on your way to a relevant and effective content marketing strategy. If you are looking for a digital marketing agency specially dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses and the self-employed, I invite you to consult the website of my agency smartketing.ch and to request a free appointment with one of our “ smartketers ”which will help you develop your online business and promote your brand.
Mathieu Janin

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