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How to be a MintBird Power Affiliate

Jeudi 22 Juillet 2021

Become a Power Affiliate Partner in the Launch of our MintBird shopping cart software. We'll teach you everything you need to know for success. Click the link above for more details.

How to be a MintBirdPower Affiliate ?

Join the free MintBird Power Affiliate Accelerator Program and start your free training with Perry Belcher and Chad Nicely by clicking on this link: http://smartketinglinks.com/mintbird
Join the free MintBird Power Affiliate Accelerator Program and start your free training with Perry Belcher and Chad Nicely by clicking on this link: http://smartketinglinks.com/mintbird
Chad Nicely, Perry Belcher, and I were expecting a solid piece of software when we first spoke to me about their new product. But what I discovered takes software to new levels of business functionality. This is just the beginning!

Although I have been working online for more than 20 years, I've seen a lot of amazing things. But when Chad and Perry announced their plans, I couldn't believe my eyes. This is not about their new product launch, but their Power Affiliate Accelerator program.
They plan to train everyone interested in becoming Power Affiliates before their new product is released. This is something they have extensive experience with. They are the best in business.

Online affiliate has earned such a negative reputation that many people outside of the niche believe they deal in illegal pyramid schemes and MLM-type stuff (multilevel marketing). It is far from this. For many years, it's been a legitimate business that has been used by marketers to make side income or full-time income. Over the years, I have sold many products through affiliates, most of them in the marketing industry.

You can correct the record the next time an affiliate marketer is mentioned. Affiliates look for vendors who have products that they are interested in selling. For a commission of up to 50%, affiliates promote and sell the products. This is a good amount of money, especially for high-ticket items.

Vendors love affiliates because they can save a lot of money by paying them 50% commissions instead of hiring a sales team. Although many affiliates are small-scale businesses, larger companies want to get in on the action. You'll also see big boys like Amazon and Walmart with their own affiliate programs. These are the same ones I am a part of. There's nothing suspicious about the affiliate market.
Chad and Perry came up with the idea of bringing together people who are interested in learning more about affiliate marketing to offer private trainings to them before opening their MintBird shopping Cart  for sale to the public. Register for the program by clicking the link below. Here's what you can expect:
  • A weekly session of one hour with Perry and Chad to teach you all you need to know to be a Power Affiliate.
  • You'll need all the marketing materials, including banners, email sequences and images, to match exactly what top professionals do.
  • Chad and Perry will approve your application so that you can sell the MintBird product immediately.
  • Perry and Chad want you to sell at most 25 products during the upcoming launch. What's the point? Continue reading!
Only marketing experts know this: In order to be a successful associate, which is to go to any marketplace like JVZoo and ClickBank and get approved by top vendors to sell their products, you must have sales. How many sales have you made? 25 or more. It doesn't sound like much does it? You'd be shocked to learn that most affiliates who sell on JVZoo or similar marketplaces have less than 10 sales!
Chad and Perry chose 25 as their goal because those 25 "measly” sales will elevate you from the average affiliate to a true Power Affiliate.

Here's a great example to show you how to get 25 sales. JVZoo allows you to register and find the product you are interested in selling. Either the vendor or his JV Manager reviews your stats and finds that you have less then 10 sales. You won't be able to sell the product if you don't have the necessary approval.

This is a bit of a trap because you need to sell enough to satisfy vendors so that they can make money. But how do you make those sales if there's no chance? This is how it works and if you look at the leaderboards (used for tracking each affiliate's sales during the launch period), you will start to recognize the exact same affiliates.

Register to the free MintBird Affiliate Accelerator Program by clicking on this link

Register to the free MintBird Affiliate Accelerator Program by clicking on this link

The launch of MintBird is postponed by 30 days to September 21th. 
This postponement is justified by his recent move which prevented him from carrying out the schedule originally established during 4 weeks. For affiliates who are participating in the launch of this revolutionary new marketing software, this is great news as it will give them a whole month more to conduct their digital promotional activities and generate new leads who will be able to participate in Power Affiliate training program for an additional 30 days and purchase mintbird on september 21th. 

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We're also going to give you a chance to win MintBird!

If you want to dig deeper into Mintbird Funnel Builder, you can read our other articles about Mintbird Shopping Cart Builder by clicking on this link. or read following articles:   
Mathieu Janin

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