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How to improve the quality of your marketing articles? Our 5 tips

Mercredi 11 Mars 2020

You want to be interested in content marketing to develop the turnover of your online business, but you are not an expert in the field, no problem everything is possible with a little will. The article below presents some very insightful tips and some basics that will help you become a content marketer.

How to improve the quality of your marketing articles? Our 5 tips

1. Try one of the available programs that can automatically send Tweets to notify your community of the availability of your new content. It is a useful tool if you write frequently and publish a lot of content. Sending Tweets manually is time consuming, so opt for the automatic way!

2. Make sure your content is unique. Singular content will attract more visitors. They will also be attracted to a scarce resource. So remember to write about your skills, or your personal experiences, in this way you will be sure not to tell stories that we have heard countless times elsewhere. You can, for example, offer explanations on how certain popular and recent technologies work. What is important is that you succeed in developing a reputation with your readers for providing content that is original, if not impossible to find elsewhere than within your content.

3. Each of your tickets should have a clear message. If your article contains too much information, your readers will be stuffed, bored or even overwhelmed. Determine the message you should convey with your text and emphasize this idea. The feedback from your customers will indeed be more favorable with an easy to understand message.

4. An excellent method for generating backlinks is to use article directories. So be sure to submit your articles to all the major online directories. Among these, there are Powerpress, Annonseo and Dmoz. There are more, so be sure to do your research so that you can generate as many backlinks as possible.

5. In order for your article to be read massively, you need a title that captures the interest of readers. Keep in mind that the title of your article is the first thing your prospect will see, so it should be well worded, catchy and compelling. You should also use keywords relevant to your website in the title tag.

In the digital world, if your site is not visited, you are dead. And one of the most important factors in gaining the attention of internet users is the development of an effective content marketing strategy. Stay curious and don't overlook the weight of information in your strategy.

If you are looking for a digital marketing agency specially dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses and the self-employed, do not hesitate to consult the website of our agency smartketing.ch and request a free interview with one of our “Smartketers” who will help you develop your online business and publicize your brand.
Mathieu Janin

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