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MintBird Launch postponed once more due to Covid-19

Mercredi 6 Octobre 2021

MintBird Shopping Cart Platform won’t be launched on October 6th due to programming delay of the platform because of Covid-19.

Learn the reason why the Mintbird Launch is postponed

Las Vegas/October 6th 2021 - Chad Nicely, co-founder of Mintbird Shopping Cart has announced the postponement of the Mintbird Launch to a group of his affiliates on September 29th during a Round Table.  The new launch date is not known so far but the platform should be launched until the end of 2021. 

According to Chad Nicely, this is a good news for MintBird Affiliates who will have more time to promote the launch a few weeks more and get more leads to help the Mintbird Affiliates Community to achieve the best launch ever done on JVZoo in the near future. 

To achieve this ambitious goal, Mintbird Affiliates should invest the remaining time to create online awareness about MintBird. To achieve this goal, all affiliates will be able to sell not only MintBird but a whole product range to be updated or created in the future. Each of these products will be linked to the same ‘mother ship’ and they will ALL have an affiliate accelerator bundle.

To be able to sell their affiliate products, MintBird affiliates need their own list and their own content to publish. To achieve this, they have to find a market niche where they are passionate about, go to a search engine like Google or answerthepublic.com, enter their term and publish videos about each questions asked by internet users around their topic. 

We will keep you informed about the next developments of MintBird as well as the date of public launch of the platform as soon as we will have this information. 

To learn more about the MintBird Project and be informed about the launch, 
register here: https://getmintbird.app
Mathieu Janin

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