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Overview of the best digital marketing tactics to adopt during the second wave of lockdown

Mercredi 4 Novembre 2020

The Covid-19 lockdown, whilst a difficult time for all, may have proven especially difficult for some businesses. In a lot of cases, a lack of customers has meant a lack of reach, which in turn has led to fewer business opportunities.

I have had people come up to me asking for the best digital marketing strategies during the lockdown as they desperately need new business to stay afloat.
However, most people don’t quite understand how different strategies work and the time they take to deliver results.
For example, if you need a strategy that gives you results in the next month, search engine optimisation (SEO)  might not be the best way forward for you.

Why do you need a short-term digital marketing plan to recover more rapidly after the lockdown

Because, even though SEO is the foundation of your online presence, it can take months to show any discernible results. Therefore, if you think your business might not last six months due to the lockdown, this strategy is simply going to be a waste of your money.
Now, there are Government grants available for businesses that need help in these difficult times, and we at smartketing.ch  want to help you to improve your sales. This is why I have prepared a list of the best ways to be successful with digital marketing during the second wave of the lockdown.
These strategies, under normal circumstances, would be combined with others (like content creation and inbound marketing) that take longer to show results. And let me say, your medium and long-term strategies are just as important as quick wins, if not more!
However, if you are struggling to grow your business because of COVID-19, here are some strategies that will give you quick results.

Best Digital Marketing Strategies During Lockdown due to COVDID-19

Social Media Advertising
Social media  advertising uses social media platforms to deliver your ads to your target audience. Of course, each platform is different so you can’t just put up ads everywhere willy-nilly and expect great results.
However, when done right, social media advertising can be a really good way to put your offerings in front of the people who might be interested in buying them.
Facebook, in particular, can be an extremely effective platform for your paid ads. It has a large audience, and the social media giant has enough information about its users to target very specific groups.
Having said that, it does help to know who your audience is, as each platform has its own demographics. Pinterest has a higher number of women, while Snapchat or Instagram have young viewership. Understanding where your audience is important to the success of your digital marketing strategy.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Pay-per-click (PPC)  advertising is a strategy where you pay a small fee when someone clicks on your displayed ad. With search engine advertising, you can buy a spot on the search engine results page instead of relying on SEO for your page to show up.
Like I said earlier, it is best to have a solid SEO foundation, as it will eventually show results down the line. But, if you want instant sales, PPC ads can be a good way to bring your products to the attention of people looking for them.
Let’s say someone visited your site but left without buying anything or contacting you about your services. Remarketing  can target that person, showing them ads for your products or company. If they came to your website, they were probably interested in your offering in the first place.
They may not have been at the right stage of the buying cycle  then, but remarketing allows you to make sure they don’t forget you when they *are* at the right stage.
Remarketing is a powerful digital marketing strategy because it is so focused. As a result, you get more sales at a much lower cost.
Email campaigns
There are quite a few reasons why emailing  can be so effective. First, the people in your mailing list would have been people who were interested enough in your offerings to sign up for it. You have an audience who actually wants to buy your products.
Second, it can be personalised. You are delivering a message straight to the customer. If you do it right, you potentially have a very good chance of converting.
Third, email campaigns can be extremely low-cost (almost nothing per message, if you’re doing them yourself!)
The best part is, you can tailor it to a specific action. Then, measure the results to see how effective it was.


So, there you have it – a list of digital marketing strategies that you can use during the current climate and beyond to get almost-instant results. Which one would you like to try out for your business? Let us know in the comments! 

Otherwise, if you need a helping hand with your marketing, contact us and book a free consultation  with me as soon as possible. We will gladly help you to develop your visibility and your online attractiveness to allow you to conclude new online sales in the short and medium term!
Mathieu Janin

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