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What are the benefits of personalized video to boost your marketing ROI

Lundi 23 Novembre 2020

Do you know the real power of personalized video? Personalized videos have proven to be some of the most engaging and effective forms of communication, and companies are using them to ensure results for multiple conversion goals. In this post, we will explore the features and capabilities of personalized video for marketing.

As the relationship between brands and consumers evolves, we are seeing the expansion of personalization in nearly every sector. The continuous exchange of information has made the public more resistant to even the most creative forms of advertising. When it comes to getting users involved at critical touchpoints, personalization continues to be an essential strategy for cutting through the noise.

The advantages of personalization for marketing

Personalized marketing integrates different types of communication tools, such as email, blogs, and social media, to ensure a personalized customer journey for each user. Personalization is based on the acquisition of consumer data to build unique experiences that aim to satisfy specific needs or requirements.
Statistics show that 90%  of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize them and provide relevant offers and recommendations accordingly. Here, personalization can fuel  communication that provides the right content to the right person, at the right time. 
Consumers are increasingly open and predisposed to personalized interactions. The most powerful means of communication from this point of view is certainly video. As Improove  claims, the video format is able to reach consumers with unprecedented suggestive power and emotional involvement.

Incorporating personalized videos as part of your communication strategy can offer a number of advantages, such as:
  • Increased conversion
  • Deeper customer relationships
  • A better understanding of your target audience 
  • Improved loyalty and brand affinity
  • Higher ROI from advertising
  • Streamlined and efficient sales cycle

Video Marketing: a growing trend

According to a study by Hubspotconsumers continue to prefer videos to follow the brands they are interested in.
In 2020, 85% of companies will use video as a marketing tool, and it continues to be the preferred medium for users. Research from Smart Insights  on video trends in 2020 report that people prefer to watch videos whenever possible:
  • 72% prefer to get to know a company through video rather than text
  • 53% of people who have interacted with a corporate video plan to visit the brand’s website
With its unique ability to connect ideas and inspire emotion, the video is the most widely used means of marketing ideas, products, and services. According to a Forbes  article, adding personalization is the only way to create a memorable and unique audience experience. Otherwise, it is increasingly difficult to differentiate yourself from other brands by using similar styles and forms of video marketing. Instead, personalized videos can help you stand out. 

What make a Video personalized?

A video is personalized when it refers directly to the recipient during narration. A personalized video contains information and details that are relevant and of interest to the user. With the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is possible to access user data like never before. Personalization involves using user data and statistics to create personalized messages that are addressed to each user.
The benefits of using personalized videos
The addition of personal elements directly inside the video, such as displaying the recipient’s name, their email, their professional title, their profile image, the company name or logo, can have a great emotional impact on the viewer and make them more willing to engage with the content.  Everyone likes to feel special.

Personalized videos have the power to add important details about the individual viewer, such as his or her personal name, their photo, and the name of their employer. For companies, the main advantage is being able to send the same type of video (in terms of graphics and layout), while ensuring the same capacity for personalization. With the personalized video, you can reach thousands of people with a communication that is perceived as unique to each individual. 
Personalized video vs one-to-one video
Personalized video uses a technology that can also be applied to a group, such as a company or a sector. In fact, within the video, it is possible to include a company name, a logo, or even specific text to support your communications objectives.

One-to-one videos can be created for completely personal communication for the potential customer, such as booking a meeting, offering a mini-demo, or delivering an account to customer service. Despite this, it is difficult to use the same video project, as it is more complicated to edit it in terms of layout and graphics.

Personalized videos solve this problem, thanks to a simplified editing process in terms of narration, using metadata. The videos can be adapted for different communication models depending on the touchpoint with which the user comes into contact during the customer journey. 

Producing personalized videos requires a little more work, but once created, they can be archived in a video library for quick submission to larger lead databases. Personalized videos are more scalable than one-to-one videos. This is because instead of producing new, relevant content, you are editing existing content (via production methods) to include new information or metadata related to the recipient.

These features make personalized video effective for multiple purposes, and they can be easily inserted into emails and landing pages. Personalized video is often used in content marketing strategies to increase awareness of the brand’s services or products. The end result is to improve customer satisfaction and increase conversions and revenue.

Contact us to develop your customer base and nurture an online conversation with your clients during the second wave of Covid-19

Our smartketing.ch agency produces digital contents (in English, German and French) and personalized videos specially designed for the budgets of SMEs and freelancers. Book your free consultation  so that we can define the right marketing strategy to develop together to get new leads and grow your business online.
Mathieu Janin

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