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Why you need video testimonials to increase your revenue and brand awareness

Mercredi 7 Octobre 2020

Entrepreneurs often ask me if they were to create one video, what would it be? My answer is to get yourself a customer testimonial video (also called a case study video, or a success story video).

A video testimonial is much more effective than a written testimonial

Whatever you call them, they are incredibly effective at converting leads into customers and can be used in a number of different channels, as well as across the sales funnel.

Testimonial videos create an emotional appeal for your branding and help convey your overall brand message. Intuitively and backed by the data, they are a critical tool to your success. People are heavily influenced by their friends, family and others who may have used your product or service.

Text-based case studies have been used for years for all the same reasons. But a video success story is more convincing than text, because your audience is watching and listening to your actual customers, using their own words, to describe how you’ve helped them.
A good customer testimonial video tells the story of your customer from their point of view — and how your business helped to solve their problems. Here is the basic outline:
  • Give us the situation (who are they and what they do)
  • Explain the problem or problems they were having
  • Outline how they shopped for a solution, including any competitors they considered, and why they chose you
  • Share the results they’ve experienced
  • These are short videos that range from 15 seconds to a few minutes in length.
Testimonial videos can be produced in-house and on the cheap, or you can spend big bucks. 
I have seen businesses spend tens of thousands of francs/Euros on a high-production video that never drives the needle for the business, and I have seen videos made from a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation that generates more than a million dollars in business.

What makes one successful and the other not isn’t the budget you have, it’s having the video aligned with your content strategy and that the video addresses a pain point for your targeted audience.

How your customer take advantage from your video testimonial campaign

Well, it could be a few things. First, it is a great piece of marketing or public relations content about their business at no cost to them. And you will be spending time and money promoting it; again, at no cost to them. Another reason is that they probably love your solution and are excited to share how it’s helped make their jobs (and lives) easier.


We love video marketing! Not only because it is one of the most effective ways to create a dynamic marketing campaign, but video marketing helps build a stronger web presence and create the viral following your business deserves.
Did you know that 8 out of 10 website visitors who watch an online video view the advertisement in full, 26% looked for further information on the business and 15% visited the business (source)?
There are many styles of video production to add to your online profile. For example: 
  • How-to videos
  • Profile videos
  • Video Marketing Testimonials
  • Video interviews
  • Product/service highlight videos
Each style has their own benefits and characteristics that build brand awareness, encourage engagement and educate customers about the products and services of your business. Today, we’d like to discuss the top 5 benefits of Video Marketing Testimonials
  1. Humanize
    For many customers or stakeholders online, they feel disconnected from a business because of the trust establishment they receive from an in-store visit verse a website visit. That’s where a testimonial can come in handy! A video testimonial will put a face with your business and give your brand a personality. Humanizing your brand with a video testimonial is simple and makes your business more relatable with customers.
  2. Credibility
    Video testimonials are great at explaining your business’ mission and goals with customers. This will help end all confusion that your business might be having with customers, especially if it is the first time they are visiting your website profile. Become an expert in your industry with a video testimonial that boosts credibility.
  3. Benefits and Features
    Explaining the benefits and features of your products and services directly in a video testimonial can give your business the upper hand with competition. Customers respect and believe in a product or service better when they hear it right from the business and its customers. In a testimonial video you can go into much more detail and explanation about your benefits and features than just plain text on a website.
  4. Interest
    Your video testimonial can help make your business shine in the video world with an interesting and new sales pitch. Hold your customer’s  or stakeholder’s attention by letting them listen to your pitch, rather than making them read from your websites. Testimonials are a new way to pitch to customers or stakeholders who have never heard of your business or for customers who are revisiting your business. Dust off those sales pitch tactics and show them off with a video testimonial.
  5. Exposure
    Videos are generally amazing at boosting your SEO and online web presence. Enhance it even further by posting your video testimonials through your social media accounts and blog to discover a new, wider audience. Testimonials will also help your exposure in your specific industry. Establish a following and gather the customer loyalty you deserve.

What is the value of Video Testimonials

how valuable are video testimonials to your sales process? Here are some things to consider:
  • Video testimonials provide social proof that your products and services work as advertised.
  • Customers at the bottom of your funnel want to alleviate risk. Customer testimonials are one of the best ways to assure prospective customers that they’re money will be well spent.
  • Video testimonials show prospects how your product works in the real world. Moving past all the marketing hype your salespeople are slinging around, video testimonials feature real people, talking about real challenges, and how your products and services really work.
  • The evidence supporting video’s ability to connect at a higher level with your prospects and customers is unassailable. Video works because it supports the very human processes of learning about, considering, and ultimately investing in solutions to challenges and opportunities.
  • The equation for evaluating the value of adding customer video testimonials to your marketing mix is straightforward.
Given the benefits outlined above, how many deals do you need to impact with video testimonials before they pay for themselves? I am not able to answer this question for you but I am convinced that video testimonial is one of the major marketing asset you can use to develop and consolidate your sales on the short, middle and long term. 

Smartketing.ch is about to launch a new digital video testimonial platform in Switzerland and need 6 beta testers to run tests

Do you want to operate your first Video Testimonial Campaign for free? We are looking for 3 proactive profit-oriented companies and 3 proactive non-profit-oriented organisations to operate 6 video marketing campaigns FOR FREE until the end of next week. If you are interested to be part of this Beta-Program, book me for a free consultation as soon as possible. ONLY 6 SPOTS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!!

Conditions of participation: You have a solid clientele and benefit from a good corporate reputation. You also have an up-to-date customer database. You are able to contact your customer base via email since the collection of testimonials is fully digitalized.
Mathieu Janin

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