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Mercredi 25 Août 2021

MINTBIRD – The Revolutionary Shopping Cart and 2-Minute Sales Funnel Builder. Save time, maximize your $ revenue, and become an affiliate during the Sept. 21, 2021 launch!

Register online to receive all informations about the launch: https://getmintbird.app

Register online to receive all informations about the launch: https://getmintbird.app

Perry Belcher and Chad Nicely, two top Internet marketers, team up to create an 'Outside The Box’ sales funnel and shopping cart software platform that is library-based and has features that simply have never been offered in the internet marketing arena.

The sales platform allows the user to create a personalized sales experience for each of his or her customers. Plus, it's quick and easy to build a sales funnel in under 2 minutes. Even from a Smartphone

These crazy guys will train you and approve your affiliate link until the Launch Date. This way you can help in the monumental Launch on September 21st.

All the POWER Affiliate Training and Premium Software will be provided to you. You'll also receive additional bonuses... all at no cost to you... for your help with this Launch

This is a great opportunity to learn affiliate marketing from two guys with over 40 years of combined experience in Internet and Affiliate Marketing. This training can be used to sell ANYTHING as an affiliate!

You will be able to Launch your own Affiliate Marketing career by first Going through this 'On-The-Job-Training'!

As if that weren't enough... Compare Mintbird Shopping Cart with 2 Min. Mintbird Shopping Cart and 2 Min.

This, my friends is a winner! Do not miss out! Jump On This NOW: More details available on:https://getmintbird.app
Mathieu Janin

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