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🆕mint Bird Shopping Cart and Funnel Builder New Features Announcement July 28th 2021

Mercredi 4 Août 2021

This video contains the latest announcements made by Chad Nicely at the MintBird Affiliate Accelerator Bootcamp #8 on 28 July 2021.
Register now to join the MintBird affiliate accelerator program. It's completely free! http://smartketinglinks.com/mintbird
- Once-In-A-Lifetime FREE AffiliateTraining plus Get FREE Bonuses too!

Watch the video by clicking on this picture!
Watch the video by clicking on this picture!
This video contains the latest announcements made by Chad Nicely at the MintBird Affiliate Accelerator Bootcamp #8 on 28 July 2021.

Register now to join the MintBird affiliate accelerator program. It's completely free!
http://smartketinglinks.com/mintbird - Once-In-A-Lifetime FREE AffiliateTraining plus Get FREE Bonuses too!

Many people have tried to become Affiliate Marketers, but failed. You don't have to know how to post on Facebook. It's not.

The sooner you recognize this and invest the time to learn, the better your chances of success. Chad Nicely and Perry Belcher are the perfect partners. Their revolutionary online shopping cart is now available and you can learn all the tricks to become Power Affiliates by joining the MintBird Affiliate Accelerator Program.

You may now be wondering: Who are Perry Belcher, Chad Nicely?

They are the two most prominent Affiliate Marketers today. Take a look at them. Perry and Ryan Diess, both DigitalMarketer founders are the ones you'll find. Since 2003, they've had more than $500 million in affiliate sales. Chad is no fool either. He is known for creating high-quality software tools like Everlesson, CompeteUp, and EasyLinks.

If you are serious about learning ninja techniques, there is no better teacher than a good product. But it gets even better. This is the best thing about starting a business. You may be wondering what a Power Affiliate is. There are thousands of people who sign up to be affiliates. And many of them don't succeed. Because they don't have a track record of success, they are often relegated as salespeople long after products are launched.

Launches are designed to create a big impact in the marketplace. It is best to work with people who have been successful. Both Perry and Chad are openly expressing their frustration at seeing the same people on the sales leaderboards each time. They both recall the struggles they had when they started this business. They are changing the game by bringing in new motivated people to the business and giving them all the tools they need for becoming the next great power associate! You can do it!


How are Perry Belcher and Chad Nicely going do it?

Click on this link to register to the MintBird Power Affiliate Accelerator Program running until September 21th 2021 (MintBird Launchdate)
Click on this link to register to the MintBird Power Affiliate Accelerator Program running until September 21th 2021 (MintBird Launchdate)
When newbies sign up to their Affiliate Accelerator Bootcamp, they'll approve them to participate in their launches. The goal is for every participant to make at least 25 sales during their launch. This is a requirement that most affiliate managers keep. Next, they will give you all the creative assets you need to promote your offer, including images, emails and videos as well as slides. They also have a library of social posts that can be used to teach you how to use these assets on social media. This is a simple task, and best of all, it's completely free!

These opportunities and specialized training would normally cost up to $50,000. They are not only giving back by providing this for free, but they also offer additional bonuses such as access to their "SIMPLEAUDIO PRODUCTS ", and their "2 MINUTES FUNNEL " software along with training to help you create simple audio products that can be given away, sold, or bundled with other affiliate offers. ....

You can also win more than $50,000 in prizes! Perry's 1964 Cadillac convertible.

#mintbird #productlaunch #bestshoppingcart #bestsalesfunnel #PowerAffiliate #HowToAffiliateMarketing #homebusinessopportunity #freetraining

You can discover more about mint bird new features announcement July 2021 you can check out: http://smartketinglinks.com/mintbird This video is showing mint bird new features announcement July 2021 information but also try to cover the following subject: -mintbird launch -mintbird launch posponed to September -mintbird best shopping cart & funnel builder

Register to the free MintBird Affiliate Accelerator Program by clicking on this link

Register to the free MintBird Affiliate Accelerator Program by clicking on this link

The launch of MintBird is postponed by 30 days to September 21th. 
This postponement is justified by his recent move which prevented him from carrying out the schedule originally established during 4 weeks. For affiliates who are participating in the launch of this revolutionary new marketing software, this is great news as it will give them a whole month more to conduct their digital promotional activities and generate new leads who will be able to participate in Power Affiliate training program for an additional 30 days and purchase mintbird on september 21th. 

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We're also going to give you a chance to win MintBird!

If you want to dig deeper into Mintbird Funnel Builder, you can read our other articles about Mintbird Shopping Cart Builder by clicking on this link. or read following articles: 
Mathieu Janin

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