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Learn Power Affiliate Marketing in 30 days - Why and How to Promote a product or a service item - Free weekly training until September 21st

Lundi 16 Août 2021

Learn how to be a Power Affiliate Marketer in 30 days for free and how to gain financial independance be reselling products or services from other people/companies. In order to be a Power Affiliate, you need to learn how to make your presence felt, make money under your own name and sell for other people, to make it worth your while, you should aim for increasing your traffic, getting lots of traffic to your site, get them used to seeing your name at the top of their search. The purpose of this article is to bring attention to a site that has a long list of testimonials from people that have mastered the art of becoming Power Affiliates and is still active today. They go on to give examples of people who are active power affiliates, all done under their own names. I have attached some of the more noteworthy testimonials.

Testimonials from MintBird Affiliates about the Mintbird Power Affiliate Accelerator Programm running until September 21st

Testimonials to MintBird and the MintBird Power Affiliate Accelerator Program: 
« I've spent years looking for the blueprint to affiliate marketing success. In Mintbird Affiliate Accelerator Program I've found it. Not only do the organizers Chad Nicely and Perry Belcher make you an affiliate for an exciting launch but provide training, all the sales materials you need and give you some great bonuses. Awesome! 

Chad Nicely is a welcome change. After years of buying products off 'marketing gurus' who sell and run, it was amazing to get to know Chad. Here we have an internet marketer who really cares that his customers succeed. 

Perry Belcher is a marketing expert who is willing to help new affiliates become a success. The advice he has freely  given to those involved in the Mintbird program would normally cost thousands. » - R.M. Warr.

« I’ve followed Chad for several years beginning with Everlesson. He always delivers and gladly supports his tribe with all the tips and tricks he’s mastered since first starting out in 1998. He certainly lives by his credo: “give, give, sell.” Is it any wonder that other highly regarded marketers like Perry Belchar want to partner with him. Now we are fortunate to get a priceless education from the very best in the industry. Every week they deliver new nuggets of value that we can put into action so that we too can be successful. » - Eric Yaillen

« I am learning how to become a Power Affiliate with Perry Belcher and Chad Nicely for two months right now and was able to wake interest of 535 unique visitors from all around the world so far to this incredible offer. You can do the same my joining the “Power Affiliate Accelerator” until MintBird’s launch date on Septembre 21th!
On this weekly training you will learn all you need to know to run affiliate marketing campaigns for any kind of products or services.
If you join the Power Affiliate Accelerator program you will get:
• A weekly session of one hour with Perry and Chad to teach you all you need to know to be a Power Affiliate.
• All the marketing materials you need, including banners, email sequences and images, to match exactly what top professionals do.
• Chad and Perry will approve your application so that you can sell the MintBird product immediately.
• Perry and Chad want you to sell at most 25 products during the upcoming launch. So hurry up and register right now !!
Chad and Perry are both seasoned marketers who have sold millions upon million of their products and services, as well as affiliate products. These two men are able to live up to their promises! They don't try to teach anything they haven't done. And unlike other “digital Gurus”.
You can now get involved with Internet marketing if you have ever tried, but failed, because it is possible if you take action immediately and join this free program!
If you join Chad and Perry’s Affiliate Accelerator program, you can also see your sales rise on the leaderboard. You may want to be the #1 position, where you will often walk away with extra cash and luxury gifts such as watches or cars.
So take action right Now and register!! » - Mathieu Janin

As an active MintBird Poower affiliate for nearly 3 months now, I will share with you a little secret. Being a power affiliate is a lot like being a manager. A power affiliate is required to promote your products and services, manage the email list of their affiliates, and build websites for their affiliates. You can't do all that alone.

As a power affiliate, you have to manage your affiliates and build websites for them to promote your products and services. This is similar to managing your team. Now, don't come into work over your employees. The reason is simple. Your employees aren't just numbers, they're people. If you criticize them, they feel it and it will be reflected in sales. That's the objective. To have a happy, healthy and profitable team. It's a good thing to have people who will represent you well.

You also need to build websites for your affiliates. And it's also similar to managing your employees. That's why I said it's really similar to managing your employees. You can use all the experience you gained from being a manager to build websites for them. In the beginning, you will probably make some mistakes. You can ask your employees for help, they can help you fix them and build your business. If your affiliates can't build websites for you, they can try to and learn along the way. But as they get used to building websites, they can build them for you.

Another key thing to consider when managing your employees is that it's an ongoing relationship. You can't fire them. You can only promote them. This is one of the most important things to keep in mind. It's not about just promoting a product. It's about marketing. And marketing is not just promoting products. It's about networking, promoting your services, promoting your products and services, and building relationships with your team. It's about marketing your team. It's about being proactive instead of reactive.

You can even consider hiring other affiliates to do some of the marketing work for you. The idea is that it should be reciprocal. If someone here can build websites for you, he can build websites for others. If someone here can promote products, he can promote products for others. It's about your relationship with your team and your team's relationship with you. I have two points to make here:Your relationship with your team, and your relationship with your team.

In most of the businesses, it's a given that you will be looking for affiliates to help you promote your products. And even though you will be in a relationship with your team, you still have to treat them as people. They are your partners. They are your team. So treat them as such. Treat them as people and the rest will follow.

To find affiliates, the first thing you need to do is to go to any website that accepts affiliates. You can use Google, Yahoo or Facebook. They're the easiest.

You can also go to the online classified ads site. Many sites accept affiliates now. You can also use the directories. But make sure the directory is oriented toward marketing (and not people). You need to be selective. No page can have more than 10 other affiliates. If you include more, it will look unprofessional and it won't be organized. But on the other hand, it will be more selective. And we all know how important organization is.

After you've found a directory or a site that will accept affiliates, you have to make a directory or a post that lists the pros and the cons of each product. After you've found a product, you have to write a short report about the pros and cons of the product. The report has to be short and easy to read. It should also contain your affiliate link or your sponsor's link.

If you want to, you can even choose a product that is a little bit controversial. So you can write a longer article about the controversy.

So the basic idea is you have to write an article (a short report) about the pros and cons of the product. In the article, you can write your sponsor's link.

Then the affiliate directory has to be organized. You also need to make sure that you have a post that gives a link for the reader to visit the sponsor's website. The post also needs to have a small disclaimer. The disclaimer can explain what the reader can know and what they can't know.

As you may have noticed, I've used a few words that may confuse you. They are: Pros, Cons, Readers and What, Why and How. All these words are very important. Some people find it hard to get acquainted with them. So I'll explain them.

You have to make a directory of the pros and cons of the product. Then there should be a post which gives the link for the reader to visit the sponsor's website. The post also has a small disclaimer.

The Pros, Cons and Why, How and What are very important. You may also add a section for Comments.

The Reader is a person who has not heard the whole story yet. But he knows the big picture so he can make his decision. But sometimes the reader leaves the article too.

You can also explain to the reader that it is not necessary to buy the product. Or not necessary to buy the product but he should read the post that provides the link for purchasing the product.

The posts or the article are the gateway to the visitor. And not the product. So the next step is to find the product. This is not a hard thing for you to do. You can search on Google and find many affiliate programs. I recommend searching on ClickBank or Paydotcom.

After finding the product, the next step is to promote the product. You can use affiliate links.

Free weekly training: Register to the Power Affiliate Accelator Program to be a power affiliate in 30 days and take part to the MintBird Shopping Cart Software Launch on September 21th

These little tips were passed on to me by two of the most successful online marketers. They also taught me the fundamental principle that will help you grow your business, which is to exceed expectations. This is why I am giving this gift to you. This program can be used for investment, job training, marketing instruction, and cryptocurrencies. It is suitable for any niche that you can imagine. First, you need a zoom or skype account. You will need a map or outline to help you create the audio that people want to hear.

In a moment, I'll give you a roadmap. The third step is to start monetizing your knowledge. Simply talk about what you love about life right now. This is amazing because you can create one product per week, so you'll have 52 products that people love and that could be generating sales for your business. Audio products can be sold for as high as 297 dollars per product. It's so much fun.

You don't need fancy equipment or to spend a lot of time on the camera. This is a little known secret. It is a little-known fact that only a few people know about. These little products can be created in a matter of minutes each week and you will be able to create an entire online business from just a few. First, once you have a basic understanding of how to create products, then you are ready to start creating your products.

Get these 2 free Bonuses after registering to the launch of MintBird Business Cart and Funnel Builder Platform : |Simple Audio Products | How To Create A List  Mintbird Bonus | Start An Online Business

One of my mentors was almost electrocuted when he made his first audio product. You can learn how to make simple audio products in an hour. And you will keep 100% of the profits. This is the ideal solution if you are looking to create your own products or start an online company. Take a look. I'm looking for two people who can benefit from this training.

This is the deal: You will get it free of charge. There is no catch. A mind map will be sent to you that will help you understand the steps. Follow the steps. Number 2. Number two. You will be listening to a private behind the scenes strategy. A call with a complete outline is available for you to listen at your home while driving the car or taking a bath.

Additionally, you will learn how to create a transcription from your recordings which you can add on to increase the product's value. I expect this to sell for ninety-seven dollars in the future. I am looking for people who are interested in learning how to do it right now. There is no catch. What would your first audio product be about? Comment below and follow the link to get started.

You can also visit the link https://smartketinglinks.com/mintbird oh, and there is another gift more exciting than the one I just described to you. This will blow you away. Tap this link to register for free and, if you feel I have over delivered, leave a comment and hit "like" to send me a message. I will be waiting for you inside the training.


Take action right now and register to learn how to be a Power Affiliate in 30 days (free weekly training)

Mathieu Janin

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